Wednesday, January 21, 2009

popiah world..^^lol

popiah world??tis is juz my words nia...tis is not the normal popiah...tis is self made popiah...u can see tat popiah inside full of da liao...hmm...taste yummy...
well...self made popiah better than u go outside buy de...da taste...wah...totally different from the outside sell de..da liao u prepare ed then u wan put wat inside da popiah oso can...
da da da da...tis is my popiah..i made it...looks good..tis is my 1st time do da popiah..of cuz not no beautyful lo...lolz

guess i oredi ate how many rolls??haha..i ate 7 lunch n dinner oso popiah nia...u can see there're variety of food tat to put inside da popiah..tis is da day i went to my grandma/wai po house popiah...

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lets sing a song...use to sing "london bridge is falling down".

1. Ta Ti Tu Te To

2. Ma Mi Mu Me Mo

3. La Li Lu Le Lo

4. Ka Ki Ku Ke Ko

5. Ba Bi Bu Be Bo

6. Sa Si Su Se So
